I graduated in 2021 (Medical Doctor) and currently am a Ph.D. student and Research fellow at SESAM - Centre for Age-Related Medicine (Stavanger Universitetssykehus, Norway). Division of Clinical Geriatrics, Center for Alzheimer Research, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
I have experience in clinical research and statistical analysis, interested in neurosciences, neurology, dementia and ageing. Currently working on Lewy Body Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
My Ph.D. thesis titled "Crosstalk between muscular health, fatty acids, and oxidative stress in cognitive decline and depression" is supervised by Dr Audun Vik-Mo (University of Bergen, Norway) and co-supervised by Prof Dag Aarsland (Stavanger University Hospital, Norway, and King's College London, UK) and Dr George Barreto (University of Limerick, Ireland).